Three headshots of Jimmy

I am a student missionary from Southern Adventist University. Towards the end of last year, I wanted to do something that was not focused on me or my own personal success.

I have always felt that to be in service of others is something beyond special and powerful.  My Savior spent most of His time serving others, rather than just preaching.

In addition, I have had family and friends go out as student missionaries. Their stories inspired and moved me to go and serve.

Rwanda was not my first choice. However, I trusted God to open and close doors for me. 

Even with the uncertainty of Covid, having a little over a month to raise over four thousand dollars, and getting the necessary paperwork for visas, I made it to Rwanda.

I am now teaching Biology and English for Senior 1 at Gahogo Adventist Academy. This experience has been a true blessing.

From being able to converse in the classroom, to playing volleyball and basketball, I have been able to come to know and appreciate the authenticity the students here have about their goals in life.

Through interacting with the Impact Hope students, I feel that I have learned more from them than they have from me.

Above all, they show this infectious love for life. Youth who have gone through things that I can only imagine. But instead of being held down by what they have experienced, they pursue education and lofty goals in order to have a successful and meaningful life. Not just for themselves, but for their family and other refugees as well.

This spirit can be seen throughout Rwanda with the progress that it has made in twenty years.

A spirit of humbleness and generosity.

By watching the students and everyone around me work to excel in their efforts, it pushes me to be exponentially more diligent in my work in order to support the students and staff at Gahogo Adventist Academy.

Elias (left) and Trenton (right) are student missionaries at Gahogo Adventist Academy in Rwanda.


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